Sunday, February 28, 2010

1 Malaysia CNY celebration.

Actually, bukan nak promote yahoo ke aper.. Lappy aq dah boleh gune dah... suke gile... boleh juga la update aq nyer blog...
Nak cakap jer yg laptop dah ok so kerja pon kena la ok.. study pon mesti la lagi ok... hehehe...

Celoteh siket....
Semalam pergi Chancellor Hall, ada 1 Malaysia Chinese New Year Celebration. Ntah la, bile 1 malaysia ada, sume nak satu malaysia, kek la, karipap la, deepavali la.... tapi event nie best giler... ada tiger dance, wushu, UTP Chinese Orchestra, Gamelan xlupe jugak UTP Indian Dance Group. Paling best masa performance dari 24 Drums. They did a very excellent job! So mana2 nak buat grand opening syarikat ker, grand dinner ke, meh la cari 24 Drums nie. pasti x boleh lari mata. asek nak tgok jer.
UTP Performing Arts Group pon best jugak. Rasa nak masuk je menari sekali dgn dancers2 tue... suke2... tapi kite xpergi audition tue... 2 hari tu, ada koQ n meeting..huhu.. xpe la.. masuk 3 events pon dah terkontang kanting kan? Nanti kena marah dgn Miss Nini la nie.. huhu..
Last2 kena balik awal coz ada meeting dgn zul n mamok... poning eih...

*paling suke citer pasal camner dapat 12 ekor binatang kat kalender cine. comel lukisan dier.

*24 Drums. You may be fascinated.

*team gamelan. Kalo nampak kat front row tu ada sorang je laki kn? tu la syazwan sabri. hehe..

*currently tgh usya2 internet programming. kul 12 malam kang ada meeting.

Friday, February 26, 2010

This is a bad bad bad week!

My mind is not working properly, my brain is working the other way around, my intention has been turned into event, compared to my studies.. huhu.. broke broke broke.

My lappy crashed, I skipped a class this week(feel guilty already), forgot to finish my assignments, forgot to complete my quiz, finished my HCI test in 20 minutes although I was given one hourand half (there was no problem.. i was too fast. am I?) money is in red alarm and i still have no worry on it..huhu...

Now I'm using my friend's computer to update the blog.. so sad... huhu...

p/s: I will attend 1 Malaysia Chinese New Year Celebration this Saturday... anyone who planned to go there, do call me ha... aiya... once da lappy iscrashed, most works cannot be done smoothly.. huhu...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chain Me!

When I see myself had gone wild
I see a beast in me
Try to emerge from within
hold me tightly in Your ROPE!
lock all my nasty joints

Chain me!
If my movements give a wound
to this beautiful world as it suppose

Chain me!
If my voice wilt the smiling flowers
calling the dark annoying cloud

If my presence is a destruction
kill me now
burn my bones to ashes
let there be no me in the past

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jumpa arwah mak

masa tadika

Smalam letih sangat2. Ada tiga meeting kena attend, actually 2 meeting lagi tue on the spot. Satu lagi tu memang meeting macam hari biasa. Letih sampai lupa nak solat Isyak. Lepas solat isyak tue, ada la 2 3 org gtalk aq. marah la sket sebab dah nak tido kan... emosi smlm xstabil.

Semalam mimpi jumpa arwah mak. Kita panggil mak kita ummi. Rindu sgt2 kat ummi. Dah enam tahun ummi tinggalkan kita. Tak pernah pon ummi datang jumpa kita. Semalam ummi datang. Dia bg ceramah. dia cakap raman kena focus study, banyak2 baca Quran n kena banyak amalkan Yaasin. tapi raman jahat sangat masa ckp dgn ummi. raman cam tak nak dengar je ape yg ummi cakap.

Tapi bila sedar je, raman terkejut sgt2. Raman nak jumpa ummi. Raman rindu kat ummi. nak dengar suara ummi, nak sayang ummi sampai bila2.. Kalau boleh nak bersama dengan ummi walaupun ummi kat mana sekarang.

Raman sedar, ummi nak raman terus belajar, baca yaasin, baca Quran, solat n doakan ummi dan abah kat sana. Raman sentiasa ingat pesanan ummi. Terima Kasih ummi.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Ari ni first day cuti.. UTP sunyi jer.. cm kena langgar garuda jer... Foreigner jer tak balik.. adakah aku ni foreigner? haha... mungkin kot...
Pagi2 dah kemas rumah dah.. kemas bilik, basuh baju sambil dengar lagu hindustan. Agak la lagu2 hindustan ni menggamit nostalgia la kan.. ingat plak masa kecik2 dulu hafal lagu hindustan, siap menari-nari lagi. Shah Rukh Khan tue memang wajib tengok la dulu2. Masa umur 5, 6 tahun filem hindustan masih lagi tahun 70-an, zaman mak kite suke Encik2 Kapoor tue... bila dah tahun 2008, SRK buat revolusi dgn Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. Aku hafal kot lagu2 nie... tapi dah lama2 nie tak ingat la sgt...
Lepas solat, makan, tangan gatal nak melukis la plak... ada jer idea yang datang, tapi tak dapat nak letak kat atas kertas.. huhu...
Lepas asar jer, pegi berenang sorang2. Tengah2 best menyelam tue, nampak Mr Yew. Owh, kiranye aku dah jumpa la Mr yew dulu.. cuma xkenal jer.. Unexpected, Fazu, halim, nije n shahrom datang gak... xjadi nak menyelam lama2... asek dok buat lawak jer... roti tak masak la apa la...
Lepas berenang, balik bilik, trus pergi masjid. Aircon kuat kot hari ni. Ingat lepas dinner nak tgok buku sket. lepas isyak, badan rasa panas2.. masak dinner jer,
Suhu badan naik la plak.. malas tol la.... kedai dah tutup dah. Esok la gamaknye beli 100plus.
So amik la alasan nie tak boleh nak study mlm nie sebab demam panas.... aci x?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Holiday? Ok la... from WORKS...

it's 12 at night so I think I should say today most of my friend will leave UTP and some of them will Celebrate Chinese New Year, I wish
Gong Xi Fa Chai!
while some just enjoy the holiday with their family and their friends... Enjoy yourself.
Still here in UTP and I have no plan to go home at Kelantan as I have financial rpoblem and academic problem. Frankly speaking, those reasons just i made up so people around will not bother me about my holiday then. Yeah, partly, financial n academic do play their parts on why I stay in UTP, but it's ok.
Currently I'm collecting pieces of my broken heart. Healing the wound, rebuilding things as normal as it was. It takes time to make things around me normal. well hopefully it end successfully.
Nothing much to say but the mind is still thinking around of a life with no Raman. Well, if I'm not around, the world will not stop to spin, nor the nature stop to grow. They just lost a big mouth, and it's not a big deal. Lesser voice is better for the environment? haha... just make sure I will not jump from a tall building and haunt UTP...huhu...
Still, my plan for CNY holiday is still unoccupied and hopefully I can use this holiday to get as much rest as after the holiday, I have lots of incoming events and suppose three events will be done in a month and I need to prepare for the events now.
Juggling between events and academic, I almost forgot bout my brothers and sisters outside there. hopefully they are in a good condition.. huhu.. sorry cant call you all.
I need something to attract my attention from looking for a way to commit some silly things into something benefit. better make me busy now...
Alertness... i need to be alert with my environment and hopefully those who are not alert can change themselves to become more alert. dont become blurred all the time. clear yourself!

p/s: CNY, no plan at all... lets take 2 days holiday. weekend only. the next monday n tuesday need to workout on assignments and meetings.. huhu...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Semester, New Tasks No New Love

Kenapa la baru nak post pasal new semester kn? bkn aper, nak tengok dulu semester ni cmner. Tapi datang2 sini pon dah sibuk dah. Meeting2 datang bagaikan takde rasa malu. kadang dalam satu malam tu ada dua meeting. serentak pada masa yg sama n kat tempat yg sama. Terpaksa la buat sistem FIFO (first come first serve). teringat Dr Suzi masa blajar OS dulu.. huhu.. terima kasih Dr Suzi.. baik org nyer...

Dah dua minggu start belajar. Nie la masa yg ada tuk berblog. Sebelum nie, saja cari kerja. tapi ok la jugak. In the past 2 week, agak hectic jugak la. Jadual bertukar-tukar, kelas pelik2, pack2, lecturer2 hampir berkuku besi, last2 ok jugak, pelajaran pon pelik2, projek pon berpelik.. jap , pelik ke? ok jer. Ada la sikit2 nak share from last Saturday
Saturday: Tlg dak2 CSR buat keje, tebang buluh, potong buluh, korek lubang, tanam menanam, tangan cedera2, kepala benjol dan berdarah. minor injuries jer.. biaser dah... xde masalah, gua biasa buat kerje2 nie... x pasal2 kena beli Garnier.. habis gelap muka aq.
Sunday: letih CSR sampai xboleh nk kuar rumah aka asrama. kalo kuar pon masa solat jer. Sori la roomate, xde hadiah.
Monday: Meeting dgn PL, tiba2 exibition unit Internship, FYP Sharing (IFS) buat meeting jugak. Sbg SV, kena la ikot pegi... meeting dgn PL tunda. Tapi, meeting IFS terus buat kerja, buat board, curik idea dari SIFE Memorial, Canada. Ala-ala jer, bkn 100% betul pun. penat mlm tue. buat keje, tp Nik best. Smooth je keje mlm tue n ok jer... Nasib baik Nik ada. Nanti nk amik update dr dia. huhu.. sedih2...
Tuesday: Tiring Tuesday. Walaupon tanpa event, tetap Tiring Tuesday, one hour lecture, one hour jaga booth, four huors lecture in one row, 3 different place, different subjects. Ari ni jaga booth SIFE, kemas Board yg dibuat. Meeting SIFE, hidup dah dedicated untuk SIFE.. projek, projek, projek... poning eden mendengornyer...
Wednesday: Hectic day of events. Petang pergi buat fieldtrip ke Ipoh, sampai UTP, solat, kejar ke Blok B, 900m dari village 5, Meeting FESCO 2010, masuk kertas dlm plastik, susun banner(?) tampal poster, last2 dinner kul 12 tgh mlm dgn Moqa.. thanx Moqa... nanti aq byr balik duit tue.
Thursday: Meeting FESCO, PR dept. Pening dgn PR AHOD. Sekejap jer, pastu tgok citer hantu 5 minit. ceh, lewat... Malam nie havoc giler.
Friday: Calling universiti tuk confirmkan participation dlm FESCO, kena kontek HELP university, Uniten n Unisel, Ptg kene g Ipoh balik. Ada hal.
Saturday: Bakal ada Team building 2 hari 1 malam kt Kuala kangsar. Ada kwn mintak aq x selamat kt sana. xkesah pon.. aq lucky per.. Org bunian pon nk kt aq.. hahaha... A'ah, FESCO family day. xdspek den nk pogi eh.
Sunday: Mgkin masih kt KK kot. Malam ada meeting PR FESCO'10 kul 9 mlm.. sibuk2... ada wakil dari Sekretariat Rukun Negara UPSI nk dtg. ada org mintak jadi faci. Sori la bro, sis, gua xavailable. len kali book awal sket.

Bapak r sibuk nak mampos minggu nie. Internet programming dah siap dah coding. simple2 sudeh. malas r nk buat lawa2... XHTML je kot.. tgok w3school. suke je tgok sume script jadi.

Kepada kwn2 n head2 yg nk buat meeting, mintak inform meeting one week awal la ek, xpon 3 hari sblm tarikh meeting. Kang kelam kabut jadinye.

Salam sibuk, babai... :P

p/s: rasa nak menari joget pahang la plak.. lagu dah hafal dah... menari je kejenyer... blajar2.. huhu....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


When the Bell is ringing
It's a sign for me to leave

to continue my journey
by my own
in another world.

The ringing become louder
and louder until
my heart sink into the lake of halt

I'm leaving
nothing can stop me
no one ever care for it
do not remember me.

do not remember me
do not remember me

I treasure my angels,
gifting their bless upon me,
lift me up to the happy sky
with the smiling Sun
and the Loving Moon

I regret my fools,
with my tears and my heart,
hoping it never happen
turning the time clock to its time

When I'm gone
don't put me in your memory
or your sweet dream change into a nightmare

Let me go
to another world
as this world is better without me
I'll make my step
to continue my journey

And I hope all of my dears
have a smile on their face

Good Bye.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Silent Puppet

Once upon a time, there was a a puppet maker who made a lot of puppets. He inherited the skill of making puppet from his father. He sold his puppets at the market in the town. He never had a family member but his father.
One day, the puppet maker made a puppet as big as a boy. He really love the puppet. But he didn't know what name he would give to the puppet. So he left the puppet together with other puppets.
That night, a fairy come into the store room where the puppets were kept. She had a beautiful face with a white dress, a pair of nice wings and a magic stick in her right hand.
"Dear puppets, you can ask anything from me." she said.
An ugly puppet appeared and made a wish.
"I want to become an idol to the girls and make me beautiful." So the fairy fulfilled it's wish and the puppet become beautiful and it felt so happy. "From now, I name you Barbie." The fairy the put Barbie into the box and until now, Barbie is so popular among little girls.
An animal puppet rush from the crowd. It yelled. "TV! I want to have a TV show!"
A yellow bear puppet pushed the other puppets to see the fairy. It begged to to the fairy it's friends; tiger, donkey and some other friends wanted to have a TV show. So the fairy swish her magic stick and the yellow puppet and its friends disappeared and now is on the Television most adorable ccartoon, Winnie The Pooh.
So all night, the fairy made all wishes from all puppets became true except one puppet. The puppet that the puppet make loved so much.
"Tell me my dear puppet, what is your wish? i will fulfill your wish." Te silent puppet kept silent. It never moved nor speak. The fairy asked the puppet again and again until she reached her word. "i guess you want to stay as you are." and the fairy left the store room and the silent puppet had no regret.
Next morning, the puppet maker was so shocked to see all his hardwork was gone. only his big puppet was left alone there. "You poor little boy. You were left alone here." said the puppet maker. He took the puppet into his wagon and headed to the town.
At the market, the puppet maker stopped his wagon and took out his puppet. "YEAR END SALE! LAST PUPPET THIS YEAR! AS CHEAP AS YOU CAN AFFORD!"
So the puppet was sold with a cheap price and it had been toyed, kicked and slammed by the children over and over until it has no use anymore. It felt regret because it kept silent in the first line and faced its life end in the burning fire. Stupid puppet.



I'm running on my foot


from the reality

I'm dying inside my heart
I'm breaking everything apart
never look at back with regret
'Coz I know I make my eyes wet


I see your face no more
I know it happen before
let you find the clue by your own
until you fail like a clown

never regret
never regret

I have my life here
I care no one here
I'm a devil here
who care me here??


It's look like you hate me now
I'm fool like a bull or a cow
let me hear nothing at all
'Coz nothing will fall.