Monday, June 29, 2009

The fading memories....

Walking alone to my room, carrying a brown paper box, the day was not different than any working day. Stepping onto a lane which connect V1 and tha V1 cafe, I slowly walked my path to my room. As i could see someone in 'kain pelikat' is marching out from v1c block, I recognised him as one of my friend, Idham. I passed through a small field and greeted him as usual. Nothing much we talk about. for example bout life, how busy you are, what are you gonna do then when you finish your works...bla bla bla... until he asked me a question: Are you going back to your hometown in this coming weeks??

Stunned by his question, I wondered when was the last time I went back to my hometown. Calculated the months I spent at Subang Jaya and UTP, it has been a long time.
"Nope. my coming holiday is this Raya." Idham's jaw dropped a little. I could see that from his impression. Then i started to talk about my short holiday which this is my shortest holiday in my life as a student in UTP, which is 2 weeks only and the longest holiday which I ever spent at my hometown since I become a student here is only one month instead of 7 weeks.

Remembering my house at Kelantan, I really miss my house. However, this feeling is not as bad as those who just got separated from their parents. I'm not a person who really miss my house in the beginning. however, after I spent my life for 5 months at UTP and Subang Jaya since this early 2009, I started to wonder about my house there. How the house had given a lot of memories to me and my family. This house is also really significant with my parents. If my mind crossed my house, it also reminds me to my parents.

Parents, those person who sacrifice their life to grow their beloved children so they will have a bright future. As my mind fading the image of the house, it looks like it fading the imges of my mom and my dad. Seriously speaking, the thing that I'm afraid right now is losing the faces of my parents. For my mom, I still keep her picture in my wallet. However, my dad, although we spent lots of time together talking about the history of his life, our hometown history, practising our English together, It's look like i'm losing his face in my memory. Too many new people I know and the person who is no longer with me is being forgotton. I really hope the memory of my family, especially my parents is still clear in my mind so I will not forget to those who had taught me on how to behave appropriately and survive in this cruel world.

Umi, Abah.

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